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Already a member of Slackazz? Please click the above link to get your character added to the roster. It will give you 'submit application' option, click this and follow the prompts to create account / then create character. Access can take a little time to be approved, so you only need to submit one application. A notice will be sent you when it is approved. Thank you!
Guild News
               Welcome to the home of Slackazz, Everquest guild on Tunare        Loot!                                                         

                                                Guild News

2/7/14 The guild is growing nicely, we have added some great members and continue to improve. We are still looking to add more people, especially healer type classes so we can expand on our raiding. Our DKP points and roster are now set to automatically update on the website and we have also added a Member Spotlight in the roster section. Check it out and stop by the forums too. Thank you all for your contributions to our guilds growth!

  Website is live! Please take a moment to register your character in the Roster section. Site is a work in progress, suggestions are always welcome! PM Sekula with any suggestions/feedback. Its your website, what do you want to see?

12/7/13 Slackazz is official! Established December 7th, 2013


Guild Charter

                                      These are the core beliefs, rules, and values, that we choose to embrace as a guild.
Slackazz strives to provide our membership with an Everquest gaming experience that is unparalleled by any Tunare guild.  Our goal is to set ourselves apart from the other guilds of the server by developing strong characters in a mutually supporting enviroment. We may be Slackazz in name, but our goal is to get it done in game.
To be a member of Slackazz means that you want to focus on Everquest as a game by enjoying the time you spend with your guildmates.  Every member is expected to contribute by seeking out groups and opportunities to further your own growth while at the same time actively assisting guildmates who need help with a quest, are LFG, or otherwise in a position for you to help out. This is a guild for the members and the more you put into Slackazz the more you will get out of it.

 Loot System

Slackazz uses a DKP system.  DKP is obtained by attending raids and is accrued at the conclusion of each raid boss. Accrued points can be used to bid on items. Anyone attending a raid earns the same amount of DKP. Rules are located on the DKP page.

  Guild Behavior

Members are expected to behave appropriately and should not seek to create drama for other members or other players on Tunare. Treat others how you want to be treated. All issues, whether they are in guild or with outside characters are to be reported to Accele. Slackazz leadership is committed to supporting its members and will work to resolve any conflicts you have. Accele has taken on the point role in any conflict resolution. Issues or concerns can be reported and will be kept anonymous. The leadership will work to resolve problems quickly and in a manner that is deemed best for the guild.

This charter is a work in progress and subject to amendments. More information to come.
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